Timothy D. Bilash, M.D., M.S., D.A.B.O.G. (4)
- 1983-1985 (Urbana-Champaign, IL)
- Graduate studies with Dr. Enrico Gratton on rotational motions of bio-molecules
using Frequency Modulated Fluorescence Polarization techniques: experiments,
extension of basic theory, computer modeling and simulations.
- 1977-1981 (Bell Telephone Laboratory, NJ)
- Conducted diverse studies in x-ray scattering applied to biological membrane
systems with Dr. James Stamatoff and Dr. Peter Eisenberger in the Chemical
Physics Laboratory under Dr. William Brinkman. We examined the structure of lipid
systems, red cell membranes, liquid crystals, including the proton pumping
mechanism of halobacteria. This involved biophysical and biochemical sample
preparation, experiments, electronics operation and repair, and extensive computer
modeling. I also researched the design of high flux/high resolution x-ray
monochromators for synchrotron sources.
- 1976 (Department of Health, Division of Labs and Research, NY)
- Under Dr. Joachim Frank I wrote and implemented image processing computer
programs, (fast fourier transforms, file routines) to process and digitally enhance
electron micrographs.
- 1974-1976 (State University of New York, NY)
- Dr. James Corbett provided the opportunity to work on experiments on defects in
semiconductors (silicon and diamond). This included ion implantation (operation of
4MeV dynamatron heavy ion accelerator), EPR spectroscopy, and computer
calculations to fit the implanted ion distributions and energy levels.